Friday 5 June 2009

The final blog?

Maybe the best part of our trip is staring us in the face and needs saying? Tess and I have just spent five months in each other's company, 24/7 rarely being apart for more than the very occasional hour or two. In those five months we never had more than a muttered cross word, or a sulk or bad mood that lasted more than a few minutes. And we went through a few bad times of course and still came out friends.

I found the picture above on my phone, I had forgotten all about it. It was taken from my bed in St Augustine's Hospital in Kumily in the hills of Kerela, it must have been one of the less painful interludes of my stay. Tess is fast asleep on her 'by standers' bed - barely justifying the name bed, it was a narrow and extremely hard board. And the other picture is I think of breakfast, two milky sweet teas in a holder for carrying across the yard from the hospital kitchen and a large nan bread. One of the lowest points in our travels - but you know we were always OK even in the bad times, we had each other!

* * * * *

And a final word of thanks to our blog readers, we have enjoyed writing the blog and it has been very pleasing to be told that many of you have enjoyed reading it. If you haven't been following it then I don't suggest you start now - reading through five months backwards would take some stamina! But maybe if you want to dip in here are four blogs that might interest you (and we have added a few photos that we could not originally post):

'Valentines Day', 15 Feb
'Things are different here', 18 Feb

and if you want to read about some bad experiences then (among several) try:

'Crossing the Red Sea', 18 Jan
'Cursing Kurseong', 10 March


I have just read Brian's last entry and feel I must add that not only did we have very few cross, grumpy or combative words we have in fact laughed a lot, sometimes at ourselves and sometimes at the oddities of our fellow travelers and other members of the human race.



brianlj said...

Well, we're not surprised that you two got on so well together: you do here, so why not there?

And it's been a pleasure reading your exploits -- the highs and the lows -- and we've chuckled and felt sad and been worried and relieved by turns as you've wended your way round the world on your epic 'gap year for oldies'. A right royal roller-coaster of a ride -- even for we onlookers!

Oh, and while I have the word 'epic' in mind... we will, of course, be requiring soft cushions, comfy chairs, pots of nibbles and glasses of fizzy water for the 'Slideshow To End All Slideshows' which is to come. I have a feeling though that the one thing which we won't be needing is a stack of Red Bull to keep us awake! Far too much excitement for that!

So... all we're waiting for now are the plans of the next trip!

Welcome back!

Lam Chun See said...

When I first saw your travel plan, I was a bit incredulous. Are they serious? I asked myself. But you have done it. Congratulations

Anyway, right this moment my eldest daughter should be making her way to London from somewhere in Europe. From there she heads straight back to Spore reaching on Wednesday. Too bad she did not have a chance to pay you a visit.