Wednesday 1 April 2009

More Nature Notes

At the lovely Village House our very comfortable bed has mosquito curtains of a fairly course, open weave cotton. Yesterday I discovered two small things stuck to the curtains that I can only describe as a sort of tiny, earthenware urn. 'How clever' I thought ' some sort of small, porous recepticle for insect repelent'. Well today I discovered I was mistaken, no hand of man involved, but the mandibles of an insect.

I had gone up to our room to collect my book after breakfast and noticed that a largish, but slightly built, wasp like creature was flying about. I stood at a respectful distance, hoping it would exit through the open french windows or out through the louvres in the bathroom. It flew around a bit and then landed on the little pot thing on the curtain amd proceeded to stick its rear end in the top of the pot. 'Hm' I thought 'I think its laying something'. It did a bit more flying about and then went out of the bathroom louvres. Later I found it trying to stuff a small green catapillar into the cup and much later this afternoon Brian saw it sealing the cup up.

Since then another cup has appeared, attached to the first one and when I went up for my shower the wasp was carefully finishinfg off the top, working round and round untill it had made a sort of lip at the top of the cup shape, so that now the container looks like a small vase with a very narrow top.

Now what do we do? Sleep with a wasp nursery attached to our curtains or what?



brianlj said...

You need one of those electric fly swatters.

A big one!

Laurence said...

at last some decent insect pictures! why else travel round the world?
we have potter wasps in england, though i've never seen one, and they aren't so dramatic here.
i think the adult might not emerge from the pot until next year, but it definitely will take weeks or months so you're not in danger. quite possible that the adults cannot sting people anyway.

keep them coming.

love from laurence