Thursday 8 January 2009

Some photos (we hope)

Tessa's feet in the salty sand of the Dead Sea - sorry this is the first photo, but very slow getting any loaded up and this at least will give you a laugh!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see the nail varnish made it into your pack - or is that job going to have to last 5 months too?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the text. Glad to hear you're having a good time. Looking forward to seeing more photos soon.

brianlj said...

No wonder you can't swim -- that doesn't look very deep at all!

SheandMike said...

The Dead Sea is one of the wierdest places on earth - so low, that you can't get sunburn apparently. I remember dipping in on the Israel side and getting severe stinging in a very sensitive place. Mt Nebo sounds familiar - in a biblical sense - but you are right, it is a very Old Testatment landscape. @Interested to hear what you think of the rose red city.